Configuring BFD for Static Routes

TheBFD-StaticRouteSupportfeatureenablesassociationofstaticrouteswithastaticBidirectional.ForwardingDetection(BFD)configurationinorder ...,TheBFDMultihopSupportforIPv4StaticRoutesfeatureenablesdetectionofIPv4networkfailurebetweenpathsthatarenotdir...。參考影片的文章的如下:



The BFD - Static Route Support feature enables association of static routes with a static Bidirectional. Forwarding Detection (BFD) configuration in order ...

BFD Multihop Support for IPv4 Static Routes

The BFD Multihop Support for IPv4 Static Routes feature enables detection of IPv4 network failure between paths that are not directly connected.

BFD with Static Routes

2021年8月10日 — Bfd requires a static route in the rib for each tunnel you want to bfd over, but tun2 would not have had a 10 /8 route as AD was set to 20.

Configuring BFD

The BFD - Static Route Support feature enables association of static routes with a static Bidirectional ... static route that uses the BFD configuration. The BFD ...

IP Routing BFD Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15E

2013年9月5日 — The BFD - Static Route Support feature enables association of static routes with a static Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) configuration ...


TheBFD-StaticRouteSupportfeatureenablesassociationofstaticrouteswithastaticBidirectional.ForwardingDetection(BFD)configurationinorder ...,TheBFDMultihopSupportforIPv4StaticRoutesfeatureenablesdetectionofIPv4networkfailurebetweenpathsthatarenotdirectlyconnected.,2021年8月10日—Bfdrequiresastaticrouteintheribforeachtunnelyouwanttobfdover,buttun2wouldnothavehada10/8routeasADwassetto20.,TheBFD-Stat...

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?
